Thursday, February 19, 2009

And so it begins

Welcome to my new blog. Thanks to my friends in the Sleeper Cartel and to my stduents at AMU, I have decided to maintain a blog of my current research project. First and foremost, I would like to thank the folks at American Public University/American Military University for a grant to continue my work this year. I also want to thank Rebecca Warda of Widener University the Collections Manager for the PMC Museum at Widener for all of her support and suggestions. She is a real gem at Widener.

I hope this blog will serve as a guide to others who might be interested in doing historical research and that you will all offer suggestions and advice as the project develops.

I would like to dedicate this blog and my research to all the cadets of Delaware/Pennsylvania Military Academy and Pennsylvania Military College. These men, noble in action and deed, served their country in every war since 1860. They are my motivation and my strength.

Keep History Alive


  1. Nice!! Glad to see you get started on this project. I look forward to seeing your posts and following your progress.


  2. Congrats on the research grant by the way!

  3. Bill,
    Looks good so far keep up the great stories and I will follow along. I knew you could write if you wanted to.

